Nikhil Kavach, निखिल कवच

Nikhil Kavach/निखिल कवच

Nikhil Kavach (निखिल कवच): When a person is blind or goes on a spiritual path, all the negative forces of all, the seekers of the arrogant evil tendencies, the Siddha, the Tantric etc. also tend to be jealous and hateful towards such seekers, and if they get the chance, To counteract the surroundings of the surroundings, use it in reverse direction, and also try to steal its creative energy. Such work mostly works with the seeker only. In the affair of non-temporal tantric, it comes when Nikhil Kavach helps people with selfless self or enter a purely spiritual environment, such as in sannyasin life. Apart from this there are many more situations.

The journey of our lives is a travel from wellness-health to immortality. An energetic mind exists only in an healthy body and this combination leads us to perform our actions. However the high prevalence of diseases has contaminated today’s environment. The more cures we find, the higher the number of diseases. Even small children have started suffering from major diseases. The recitation of Nikhil Kavach gives relief in such cases. Such work mostly works with the seeker only. In the affair of non-temporal tantric, it comes when Nikhil Kavach helps people with selfless self or enter a purely spiritual environment, such as in sannyasin life. Apart from this there are many more situations.

After performing the brief Guru Puja, after wearing a pure garment bath after bathing in Brahma Muhurt every day, the seeker receives the glory of security, joy, good luck and Gurudev. Due to firm determination, the ritual of Nikhil Kavach completed with a pure conscience is capable of conquering the seeker in the dire circumstances of life.

Nikhil Kavach Benefits:

If you use, you will not only be protected from the principles of the whole form of opposition, but whatever spiritual powers you acquire, they will remain in full form. Nobody will be able to defeat them. Through, you can accomplish even the sadistic practices. You can do Nikhil Kavach by creating a safety cycle or circular circumference in the cultivation of cremation, and then the construction of your body after which no evil or negative forces can harm you, you can.

Who has to recite Nikhil Kavach:

  • The persons who are facing some uncalled for problems, lost the weal of life and suffering from depression should recite Nikhil Kavach for a better future.
  • For a perfect result contact Astro Mantra. Your success will be assured.

निखिल कवच/Nikhil Kavach

यह अदभुत कवच (Nikhil Kavach) गुरुदेव “परमहंस स्वामी निखिलेश्वरानन्द” के तपोबल से प्रदीप्त महामंत्र है प्रतिदिन ब्रह्म मुहूर्त में स्नानोपरांत शुद्ध वस्त्र धारण कर संक्षिप्त गुरु पूजन कर इसका पाठ (Nikhil Kavach) करने से साधक को सुरक्षा, आनंद, सौभाग्य तथा गुरुदेव का तेज प्राप्त होता है। दृढ़ निश्चय से युक्त हो शुद्ध अंतःकरण से संपन्न किया गया इस कवच (Nikhil Kavach) का विधिवत् अनुष्ठान जीवन की विकटतम परिस्थितियों में भी साधक को विजय प्रदान करने में सक्षम है।

निखिलेश्वरानन्द कवच:

शिरः सिद्धेश्वरः पातु ललाटं च परात्परः ।
नेत्रे निखिलेश्वरानन्द नासिका नरकान्तकः ॥ 1॥
कर्णौ कालात्मकः पातु मुखं मन्त्रेश्वरस्तथा ।
कण्ठं रक्षतु वागीशः भुजौ च भुवनेश्वरः ॥ 2॥
स्कन्धौ कामेश्वरः पातु हृदयं ब्रह्मवर्चसः ।
नाभिं नारायणो रक्षेत् उरुं ऊर्जस्वलोऽपि वै ॥ 3॥
जानुनि सच्चिदानन्दः पातु पादौ शिवात्मकः ।
गुह्यं लयात्मकः पायात् चित्तंचिन्तापहारकः ॥ 4॥
मदनेशः मनः पातु पृष्ठं पूर्णप्रदायकः ।
पूर्वं रक्षतु तंत्रेशः यंत्रेशः वारुणीँ तथा ॥ 5॥
उत्तरं श्रीधरः रक्षेत् दक्षिणं दक्षिणेश्वर ।
पातालं पातु सर्वज्ञः ऊर्ध्वं मे प्राण संज्ञकः ॥ 6॥
कवचेनावृतो यस्तु यत्र कुत्रापित गच्छति ।
तत्र सर्वत्र लाभः स्यात् किंचिदत्र न संशयः ॥ 7॥
यं यं चिन्तयते कामं तं तं प्राप्नोति निश्चितं ।
धनवान् बलवान् लोके जायते समुपासकः ॥ 8॥
ग्रहभूतपिशाचाश्च यक्षगन्धर्वराक्षसाः ।
नश्यन्ति सर्वविघ्नानि दर्शानात् कवचावृतम् ॥ 9॥
य इदं कवचं पुण्यं प्रातः पठति नित्यशः ।
सिद्धाश्रम पदारूढः ब्रह्मभावेन भूयते ॥ 10॥

Nikhil Kavach/निखिल कवच विशेष:

निखिल कवच के साथ-साथ यदि निखिल गुरु फ्रेम और निखिल गुरु माता फ्रेम की पूजा की जाए तो, निखिल कवच का बहुत लाभ मिलता है, यह कवच शीघ्र ही फल देने लग जाता है| गुरु स्तोत्र का पाठ करने से मनोवांछित कामना पूर्ण होती है| शरीर के सभी रोगों से मुक्त होने के लिए और मानसिक रूप से मजबूत होने के लिए पारद निखिल मुद्रिका धारण करनी चाहिए| गुरुदेव के बारे में अधिक जानने के लिए और अपने जीवन की सभी परेशानियों को दूर करने के लिए गुरुदेव पुस्तक को पढना चाहिए|