Sita Ram Ashtakam, सीता राम अष्टकम

Sita Ram Ashtakam/सीता राम अष्टकम

Sita Ram Ashtakam (सीता राम अष्टकम): Sita Ram Ashtakam is dedicared to Lord Ram. Regular reciting Sita Ram Ashtakam provides the blessings of Lord Ram and Sita. A mantra is a unique pattern of words or letters which has a hidden potent and mystical power to bring about specific results on being used in a particular manner.

In Ramayana Ram means our soul, super consciousness, truth and virtue. Sita whose is the eternal consort of Ram means the primal energy or the Kundalini Shakti. If Rama is considered as mariya purshottama or the perfect man the Sita exemplifies the perfect woman.

It integrates the personality of the seeker. The behavior of the person starts transforming. The person will become sincere, honest, and straightforward in word, thoughts and actions.

Ram as the symbolic of inner fire resides in Manipur chakra or solar plexus which burns away all the physical, mental, and spiritual impurities. While Sita as kundalini Shakti resides in Mooladhar or root chakra representing the earth element. The subtle friction produced with the constant chanting of Sita Ram Ashtakam, the Ida and Pingla nadis or sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system gets activated and the Vagus Nerve or the Sushumna Nadi begins to vibrate.

Sita Ram Ashtakam Benefits:

  • The Sita Ram Ashtakam in combined form recharge the whole body, all toxins, blockages and impurities are removed and self awareness becomes active.
  • This powerful yet simple chanting immediately improves the health of the aspirant. Clear complexion, glow on face, lightness, sweet body odour, pleasantness of voice, slight excretion and gradual improvement of physical and mental health is indicated.
  • It awakes the mysterious psychic awareness in the average individual as well as in the spiritual aspirant. Psychic power of different varieties and magnitude come to an aspirant as he progresses in this path.
  • It balances the both sides of brain hence restless and unstoppable mind becomes still, harmonious and balanced. It increases the mastery over mind and senses. It induces the sound sleep in the seeker by curing the problem of insomnia.

Who has to recite this Sita Ram Ashtakam:

  • The person in stress, and having a feeling of weariness must recite Sita Ram Ashtakam according to Vedic Rule regularly.
  • For further details please contact Astro Mantra.

सीतारामाष्टकम्/Sita Ram Ashtakam

ब्रह्ममहेन्द्रसुरेन्द्रमरुद्गणरूद्रमुनीन्द्रगणैरतिरम्यं क्षीरसरित्पतितीरमुपेत्य नुतं हि सतामवितारमुदारम् ।

भूमिभरप्रशमार्थमथ प्रथितप्रकटीकृतचिद्घनमूर्तिं त्वां भजतो रघुनन्दन देहि दयाघन मे स्वपदाम्बुजदास्यम् ।।1।।

पद्मदलायतलोचन हे रघुवंशविभूषण देव दयालो निर्मलनीरदनीलतनोऽखिललोकह्रदम्बुजभासक भानो ।

कोमलगात्र पवित्रपदाब्जरज: कणपावितगौतमकान्त । त्वां. ।।2।।

पूर्ण परात्पर पालय मामतिदीनमनाथमनन्तसुखाब्धे प्राव्रडदभ्रतडित्सुमनोहरपीतवराम्बर राम नमस्ते ।

कामविभञ्जन कान्ततरानन काञ्चनभूषण रत्नकिरीट । त्वां. ।।3।।

दिव्यशरच्छशिकान्तिहरोज्ज्वलमौक्तिकमालविशालसुमौले कोटिरविप्रभ चारूचरित्रपवित्र विचित्रधनु:शरपाणे ।

चंडमहाभुजदण्डविखण्डितराक्षसराजमहागजदण्डं । त्वां. ।।4।।

दोषविहिंस्त्रभुजंगसहस्त्रसुरोषमहानलकीलकलापे जन्मजरामरणोर्मिमये मदमन्मथनक्रविचक्रभवाब्धौ ।

दुःखनिधौ च चिरं पतितं कृपयाध समुद्धर राम ततो मां । त्वां. ।।5।।

संसृतिघोरमदोत्कटकुञ्जरतृट्क्षुदनीरदपिण्डिततुंडं दण्डकरोन्मथितं च रजस्तम उन्मदमोहपदोज्झितमार्तम् ।

दीनमनन्यगतिं कृपणं शरणागतमाशु विमोचय मूढ़ं । त्वां. ।।6।।

जन्मशतार्जितपापसमन्वितह्रत्कमले पतिते पशुकल्पे हे रघुवीर महारणधीर दयां कुरु मय्यतिमन्दमनीषे ।

त्वं जननी भगिनी च पिता मम तावदसि त्ववितापि कृपालो । त्वां. ।।7।।

त्वां तु दयालुमकिञ्चनवत्सलमुत्पलहारमपारमुदारं राम विहाय कमन्यमनामयमीश जनं शरणं ननु यायाम् ।

त्वत्पदपद्ममत: श्रितमेव मुदा खलु देव सदाव ससीत । त्वां. ।।8।।

य: करुणामृतसिन्धुरनाथजनोत्तमबन्धुरजोत्तमकारी भक्तभयोर्मिभवाब्धितरि: सरयूतटिनीतटचारुविहारी ।

तस्य रघुप्रवरस्य निरन्तरमष्टकमेतदनिष्टहरं वै यस्तु पठेदमर: स नरो लभतेऽच्युतरामपदाम्बुजदास्यम् ।।9।।