Vastu Mandal Chakra Yantra/Vastu Purush-Mandal Puja Yantra (वास्तु मंडल चक्र यंत्र): The legend of the Vastu Purush is related thus. Once a formless being blocks the heaven from the earth and Brahma with many other gods trap him to the ground. This incident is depict graphically in the Vastu Purush Mandal with portions allocate hierarchically to each deity based on their contributions and positions. Brahma occupied the central portion – the Brahmasthana- and other gods were distribute around in a concentric pattern. This is a method whereby any site can be divide into grids/ modules or pada. Depending on the position of the gods occupying the various modules. The zoning of the site and disposition of functions in a building are arrive at.
Mandal has certain points known as marma which are vital energy spots on which nothing should be built. They are determine by certain proportional relationships of the squares and the diagonals. Vastu Mandal Chakra Yantra is divided in to 9×9= 81 parts. Each part names the God holding Vastu Purush down in respective part. There are 32 Gods in outer part and 13 Gods in inner part. This means that there is presence of different Gods in Vastu Purush Mandal and each of these Gods rule different parts of a human life as per their qualities. Vastu Mandal Chakra Yantra is the science of balancing universal energies and maximizing their benefits in a Home or Workplace by enhancing the Chakras and Elements of Vastu Purush.
It’s a simple yet powerful system of reaping maximum benefit by managing energies. And influences of the Five Elements, Planets, Chakras, Geometries, Directions and other tools. The entire universe is made up of Panchbhuta or the five elements – Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. These elements and their energies reside both inside and outside of human beings and human dwellings too. The ancient science of Vastu Shastra. Which is derive from Vedas, states the presence of the Vastu Purush. The God of structures and construction in every human dwelling. The Vastu Purush lies with his head towards the Northeast and his feet towards the Southwest with various Deities mounted on Him. Becoming the presiding Deities of respective directions.
Different energies corresponding to different elements and Chakras of the Vastu Purush reside in different directions and thus at various locations in a human dwelling. Energies of various Chakras, Elements and Planets reside in different directions in a dwelling. To gain maximum benefits and get optimal results from these energies each corner and area is advise to be use for a particular activity. If your home or office isn’t design accordingly then to make your dwelling Chakra Vastu complaint and to reap maximum benefits from universal energies. Chakra Vastu has devised kits using different energy products and elements to balance particular energies and to reap maximum benefits from them.
Vastu Mandal Chakra Yantra Benefits:
Vastu Purush-Mandal Puja Yantra rectifies all the Vastu defects. Simultaneously, it fulfils all the auspicious intentions and wishes. This is very auspicious and wish fulfilling in all ways. It should be frame and install on the wall of Pooja Room. It rectifies all the defects of a house, shop, factory or business establishment. Through this Yantra Vastu Purush is being worship all the time. It helps in removing Vastu ill-effects if any from place of work or residence.
It helps to rectify the faults of a building, site, home, office or a structure due to wrong construction or creation. Vastu Purush-Mandal Puja Yantra removes negative energies thereby resulting from an inauspicious location or directions of rooms. Also eradicates ill-effects of a business premises. Attracts more business and prosperity. This Vastu Purush-Mandal Puja Yantra is duly energized and sanctified by the team of Pundits and Sages of for ready to use and instant effects.
Vastu Mandal Chakra Yantra Details:
Weight: 0.09 gm Approx.
Size: “2” x “2” Inch
Metal: Gold Plated Yantra
Yantra Types: Vastu Yantra
Energized: Vastu Beej Mantra
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
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