Ashtadhatu Vastu Devta Yantra, Vastu Yantra, Size 3.5X3.5 Inch

SKU: PY12050045

Ashtadhatu Vastu Devta Yantra for all types vastu dosha problems and puja devta puja and mantra jaaap, Ashtadhatu Vastu Devta Yantra siddhi 1,25,000 Vastu Vishav Krama Devta main mantra ready to use.

Pyramid 3 Inch, 91 Pyramids, Vastu Pyramid, 3 Inch

SKU: PM25050175

Pyramid 3 Inch bring peace and prosperity to your home. It also helps in managing the lives of people and developing a positive relationship between family members…

Dikdosh Nashak Vastu Yantra, Pure 99.9% Silver, Chandi Yantra

SKU: PY12050128

Dikdosh Nashak Vastu Yantra (दिक्दोश नाशक वास्तु यंत्र) is used for harmony, prosperity, success, good health, wealth, yoga and meditation. Yantras are also referred as the abodes of the divine powers of God…

Krityanashak Vastu Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 2X2 Inch

SKU: PY12050221

The fact is that there is no need to do any modification of your house-plan, the Prann-pratishtith Kriyanashak Vaastu Yantra which when placed in your home gives all benefits and removes all vastu dosh. Simple straightforward solution in today’s increasingly complicated world.

Maha Vastu Hanging Yantra, Brass, Size 5.5X4 Inch

SKU: HY11050031

Maha Vastu Hanging Yantra removes negative energy or bad effects arising from the inauspicious position. Moreover, removes the problems sue to wrong direction of rooms, houses, and buildings.

Max 500 Vastu Pyramid, Jiten Max 500 Pyramid

SKU: PM25050057

Max 500 Vastu Pyramid is a highly effective tool to neutralize evil impacts and yield positive force, it believed to generate positive energy where it placed..

Om Shree Yantra Pyramid, Pure Copper, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050287

Om Shree Yantra (ॐ श्री यंत्र) helps us to achieve material prosperity, mental peace, happiness and harmony at home and work place. Vastu harnesses the various energies present around us in a particular pattern so that they blend harmoniously with the person…

Vehicle Protection Pyramid, Vastu Vehicle Protection Pyramid Yantra

SKU: PM25050089

Protect Car Pyramid is a new-age protection tool for evil eye, Car Pyramid creates optimistic energy while you are driving. It keeps you away from unfortunate incident..

Vastu Pyramid, Wish Pyramid, 91 Pyramid Yantra

SKU: PM25050176

Vastu Pyramid is highly effective tool to raises the wealth and to retain the stability. Place the pyramid wherein the members of the house spend most of the time..

Pyramid Yantra, Vastu Pyramid Yantra, Fengshui Vastu Remedy

SKU: PM25050121

Pyramid Yantra is highly effective tool to attracts good fortune and financial opportunities. It has believed to Brings harmony & protects from all the negative energies..

Pyron Vastu Kit Pyramid, Jiten Pyron Vastu Kit Pyramid Yantra

SKU: PM25050141

Pyron Vastu Kit Pyramid kit helps you in many ways in your life including career, happiness, luxury, spirituality, and business. It also protects you from negative energies..

Kachua Plate, Pure Brass Vastu Shri Yantra Turtle Plate

SKU: PI03050117

Kachua Plate (कछुआ थाली): This is also attract wealth, prosperity, peace, good fortune, and strength. A kachua plate brings firmness to your personal and professional life. Place the tortoise plateat the entrance, to safeguard your home from negative energy…

Vastu Panch Devta, Neev Puja Panch Devta Five Metals

SKU: PP06050190

Vastu Panch Devta (वास्तु पंच देवता): Panch devta vishnu, shiva, ganesh, surya and trishakti. It is believed that the one who worships them gets health-wealth, fame, virtue and prestige. People commonly worship them on a pitra paksha..

Reiki Pyramid, Jiten Reiki Pyramid, Reiki Vastu Pyramid

SKU: PM25050149

Reiki Pyramid has a special significance of multiplying energies. Use of Reiki pyramid is a practical art to harmonize-mind, body, and high spirit along with the environment..

Sampurna Vastu Dosha Nivaran Yantra, Copper, Size 6X6 Inch

SKU: PY12050341

Establishment of the Sampurn Vastu Dosha Nivaran Yantra and performing Puja will cause prosperity, fame and wealth increase in home-family. Quick help is obtained in the every situation in life.

Sampurna Vastu Dosha Nivaran Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 6X6 Inch

SKU: PY12050342

Establishment of the sampurna vastu dosha nivaran yantra and performing Puja will cause prosperity, fame and wealth increase in home-family. Quick help is obtained in the every situation in life.

Shift Max Pyramid, Jiten Vastu Shift Max Pyramid Yantra

SKU: PM25050155

Shift Max Pyramid works as an energy enhancer and healing tool. It Balanced the energy flow and nullifies the negative energies..

Shree Vastu Shanti Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 2X2 Inch

SKU: PY12050400

Worshiping Vastu Shanti Yantra at your home and work place will curb all the impediments on the way of your success and gift you with happiness, growth, peace, wealth and prosperity forever.

Shri Vastu Dosh Nashak Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 6X6 Inch

SKU: PY12050424

Shri Vastu Dosh Nashak Yantra is a powerful Yantra to combat the harmful effects arising due to defects in Vastu of any building .Vastu Shastra is a science which help us to achieve material prosperity.

Vastu Dev Yantra, Energized Vastu Yantra, Copper, Size 2X2 Inch

SKU: PY12050492

Vastu Dev Yantra is very rare and secret yantra. Vastu Dev Yantra overcomes almost every defect related to the location of the building, room, doors, windows, furniture etc.

अति गोपनीय और दुर्लभ यन्त्र, अस्त्रों मंत्रा पहली बार प्रदान कर रहा है, जो विश्व में कही प्राप्त नही होंगे। यह यंत्र उच्चकोटि के ऋषियों दुवारा पूर्ण प्राण-प्रतिष्ठित सिद्ध और चैतन्य है, जो शीघ्र ही अपना प्रभाव दिखाने में सक्षम है, तन्त्र शास्त्र के अनुसार प्राण-प्रतिष्ठित सिद्ध यन्त्रों का उपयोग करने से शीघ्र ही अभीष्ट कामना सिद्धि मिलती है, यदि आपको यकीन न हो, तो इन यंत्रों का उपयोग करके देख सकते है।

Vastu Dikdosh Nashak Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 2X2 Inch

SKU: PY12050493

Vastu Dik Dosh Nashak Yantra is used where faults of building, site, home or office due to wrong construction or creation cannot be rectified.

Vastu Dikdosh Nashak Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 4X6 Inch

SKU: PY12050494

Vaastu Dikdosh Nashak Yantra is a complete understanding of direction, geography, topography, environment and physics. Vaastu Dikdosh Nashak Yantra is used where faults of building, site, home or office due to wrong construction or creation cannot be rectified.

Vastu Dikdosh Nashak Yantra, Pure Copper, Size 6X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050495

Vastu Dikdosh Nashak Yantra is a complete understanding of direction, geography, topography, environment and physics. Vastu Dikdosh Nashak Yantra is used where faults of building, site, home or office due to wrong construction or creation cannot be rectified.

Vastu Dikdosh Nashak Yantra, Gold Plated & Wood, Size 6X4 Inch

SKU: FY11050047

Vastudosh Nashak Yantra (वास्तु दोष नाशक यंत्र) protects the holder from uncalled-for situations created due to the Vastu defects in the house during construction. Impulsive plans and irregular journeys cause daily problems and disharmony. Every house should this Vashu Dosh Yantra Frame to overcome all the malefic effects of Vastu Dosh…

Vastu Dosh Nashak Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 2X2 Inch

SKU: PY12050496

Vastu Dosh Nashak Yantra is a powerful Yantra to combat the harmful effects arising due to defects in Vastu of any building .Vastu Shastra is a science which help us to achieve material prosperity, mental peace, happiness & harmony at home & work place.

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Hanging Yantra, Size 5.5X4 Inch

SKU: HY11050059

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Hanging Yantra is the representation of Vedic mantras made in a geometry that constantly discharges cosmic frequencies full of Mahalaxmi. Hang it at the entrance of your house to offer a warm welcome to the guests or on a wall of your home.

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Kavach, Pure 99.9% Silver Coin

SKU: KA10050182

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Kavach (वास्तुदोष निवारण कवच) is useful for people who live in a house in a quiet environment. If your home, office, shop, or factory is affected by Vastu Dosh, this article is for you. The best way to get rid of Vastu Dosha is Vastu Dosh Nivaran Kavach…

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Pyramid Yantra, Copper, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050497

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Pyramid (वास्तु दोष निवारण पिरामिड): The installation of house if wrongly placed, this pyramid is able to remove the malefic effects and all the defects in the placement is removed. Moreover, this will protect the family wherein it is kept…

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Yantra, Gold Plated & Wood, Size 10X10 Inch

SKU: FY11050048

Sampurna Vastu Dosh Yantra (वास्तु दोष निवारण यंत्र) removes Vastu problems at home and the office. No matter how careful we are, there is something that gets overlooked. Suitable for work, management, home situation, living room, etc…

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Yantra, Gold Plated & Wood, Size 10X10 Inch

SKU: FY11050049

Shree Sampurna Vastu Yantra (श्री सम्पूर्ण वास्तु यंत्र) is a great solution for removing Vastu Dosh. This Shri Vastu Yantra Frame removes Vastu problems at home and office. The effort a person puts into buying a house or plot of land, one should be more careful…

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Yantra, Gold Plated & Wood, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: FY11050050

Shree Vastu Dosh Yantra (वास्तु शांति यंत्र) is the solution for Vastu Dosh extraction. Vastu-related problems can be solved using Vastu Shanti Yantra Frame. This Yantra removes all these problems. Furthermore, shows great benefits. Most of the people do not know the function of this house and it is the fault of Vaastu…

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050498

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Yantra is a powerful Yantra to combat the harmful effects arising due to defects in Vastu of any building. Vastu Shastra is a science which help us to achieve material prosperity, mental peace, happiness & harmony at home & work place.

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Hanging Yantra, Size 5.5X4 Inch

SKU: HY11050060

Hanging Vastu Dosh Nivaran Yantra for solve , all types vastu problems like, Vastu Home, Business, Factory, Halls etc..

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 6X6 Inch

SKU: PY12050499

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Yantra is a powerful Yantra to combat the harmful effects arising due to defects in Vastu of any building. Vastu Shastra is a science which help us to achieve material prosperity, mental peace, happiness & harmony at home & work place.

Vastu Dosh Pyramid, Brass Vastu Yantra Chowki, 4.5X4.5 Inch

SKU: CY11050028

Vastu Dosh Pyramid Chowki (वास्तु दोष निवारण यंत्र) gathers the power of the holy Shri Yantra and makes it more powerful than the symbol of the Supreme Divinity, the home of all Gods. This Sri Yantra chowki has covered with pyramids…

Vastu Kritya Yantra, Vastu Kritya Yantra, Copper, 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050500

Vastu Kritya Yantra all the adverse situations accompany us as our allies. The path of progress one can find only by the installation of Vastu Kritya Yantra, it is successful in giving shape to all its wishes. If there are obstacles in business growth…

Vastu Mandal Chakra Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 2X2 Inch

SKU: PY12050501

As per Vastu Shastra if any building is having this Yantra then prosperity prevails in the building and inhabitants are always happy, healthy, wealthy and satisfied. The mandala is put to use in site planning and architecture through a process called the Pada Vinyasa.

Vastu Pyramid Plate, Vastu Purush Navagrah Pyramid Yantra Plate

SKU: PM25050169

Vastu Pyramid Plate enhanced energy flow vastu pyramids are believed to optimize the flow of positive energy, also known as prana or chi. This improved energy circulation to create a harmonious environment..

Vastu Shanti Yantra, Vastu Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050502

Worshipping Vastu Shanti Yantra at your home and work place will curb all the impediments on the way of your success and gift you with happiness, growth, peace, wealth and prosperity forever.

Vastu Space Yaan, Brass Space Yaan Chowki, 6X6 Inch

SKU: CY11050029

Vastu Space Yaan (वास्तु स्पेस यान) is used in the construction of the house to remove the negative elements and Dosha. At the same time, Vastu Shastra commands good results. The Yaan in these places is incomparably stronger…

Vastu Vyapar Vriddhi Indrani Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 6X6 Inch

SKU: PY12050503

Goddess Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and good fortune. This Yantra consist i.e. Shree Yantra, Shree Kuber Yantra, Shree Lakshmi bisa Yantra, Shree Kanakdhara Yantra along with numeric Yantra of Riddhi Siddhi Yantra and Vyapar Vriddhi Yantra.

Vastu Vyapar Vriddhi Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050504

Goddess Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and good fortune. This Yantra consist i.e. Shree Yantra, Shree Kuber Yantra, Shree Lakshmi bisa Yantra, Shree Kanakdhara Yantra along with numeric Yantra of Riddhi Siddhi Yantra and Vyapar Vriddhi Yantra.

Vastudosh Nivaran Yantra, 99.9% Silver, Multi Size Chandi Yantra

SKU: PY12050425

Vastudosh Nivaran Silver Yantra (वास्तुदोष निवारण चांदी यंत्र) is used for harmony, prosperity, success, good health, wealth, yoga and meditation. Yantras are also referred as the abodes of the divine powers of God…

Vastu Yantra

Astro Mantra has been providing for many years all types of Vastu Puja Yantra. These are Vastu Devta Yantra, Dikdosh Nashak Vaastu Yantra, Krityanashak Vaastu Yantra and Vastu Dosh Nivaran Yantra. Dikdosh Nashak Yantra, Vastu Kritya Yantra. Besides, Vastu Vyapar Vriddhi Yantra, Vastu Hanging Yantra, Vastu Frame Yantra, Vastu Chowki Yantra etc. All of these are completely Pran Pratisthit. These Yantras remove all types of Vastu defects without causing any damage or changes in the construction. That leads to Happiness, Peace, Wealth, Prosperity etc.

Siddha Vastu Yantra:

Astro Mantra provides all the Vastu Yantras through online, in the best Muhurta like Pushya Yoga, Siddha Yoga, Ravi Yoga, Solar Eclipse, Holi, Diwali, Navratri, by energizing the Yantras with complete Prana-Pratishtha with Vastu Dev Mandal Mantras. So that, one can get full benefits by worshiping these Yantras. By worshiping Siddha Yantras, work gets accomplished quickly and the deity associated with the Yantra becomes happy. Siddha Vastu Chowki Yantra removes all types of Vastu defects, Disha defects, Bhoomi defects and Dik defects.

Due to which Positive Energy is circulates in the environment, Diseases Start Going Away from the house, Love Increases among family members. Moreover, Financial Gain remains from all directions. Vastu Hanging Yantra are not easily available in the market. The yantra available are not Pran Pratisthit. There is no authentication of embossed design of those yantras, such yantras do not provide complete benefits. According to Damar Tantra, there is no benefit from without energized yantra, such Yantras are Dead Yantra. Therefore, buy Vastu Frame Yantra from anywhere, but buy it from a trusted institute only, you can order these Siddha Vastu Puja Yantra online from Astro Mantra Store.

वास्तु यंत्र

एस्ट्रो मंत्रा सभी प्रकार के वास्तु यंत्र जैसे, वास्तु देवता यंत्र, दिक्दोष नाशक वास्तु यंत्र, कृत्यानाशक वास्तु यंत्र, पिरामिड वास्तु यंत्र, वास्तु दोष निवारण यंत्र, दिक्दोष नाशक यंत्र, वास्तु कृत्या यंत्र, वास्तु व्यापार वृद्धि यंत्र, वास्तु हैंगिंग यंत्र, वास्तु फ्रेम यंत्र, वास्तु चौकी यंत्र आदि, पूर्ण प्राण-प्रतिष्ठित सिद्ध करके कई वर्षों से प्रदान करता आ रहा है, यह वास्तु यंत्र बिना तोड़फोड़ किये, सभी प्रकार के वास्तु दोषों को दूर करते है, जिससें सुख-शांति, धन, समृद्धि आदि सुखों की प्राप्ति होती है

सिद्ध वास्तु यंत्र

एस्ट्रो मन्त्रा सभी वास्तु यंत्रो को, सर्वोत्तम मुहूर्त जैसे, पुष्य योग, सिद्ध योग,रवि योग, सूर्य ग्रहण, होली, दीपावली, नवरात्री में, वास्तु देव मंडल मंत्रो से यंत्रो को पूर्ण प्राण-प्रतिष्ठित कर सिद्ध कर, ऑनलाइन द्वारा प्रदान करता है, जिससे इन वास्तु यंत्रो की पूजा करने से पूर्ण लाभ प्राप्त हो। सिद्ध यंत्रो की पूजा से शीघ्र ही कार्य सिद्धि मिलती है, यंत्र से सम्बंधित देवता प्रसन्न होता है। सिद्ध वास्तु यंत्र सभी प्रकार के वास्तु दोष, दिशा दोष, भूमि दोष, दिक दोष को दूर करते है, जिससे वातावरण में सकारात्मक उर्जा का संचार होता है, घर से बीमारियाँ दूर होने लगती है, परिवार के सदस्यों में प्रेम बढ़ता है और चारों दिशाओं से धन का लाभ बना रहता है।

वास्तु यंत्र बाजार में आसानी से उपलब्ध नहीं होते। जो मिलते है वह यंत्र सिद्ध नहीं होते और न ही उन यंत्रो का उभरा हुआ यंत्र डिज़ाइन प्रमाणित होता है, ऐसे यंत्र पूर्ण लाभ नहीं देते। डामर तंत्र अनुसार बिना सिद्ध हुए यंत्रो से कोई लाभ नहीं होता, ऐसे यंत्र मृत यंत्र कहलाते है। इसलिए वास्तु यंत्र कही से भी खरीदे, पर विश्वश्यनीय संस्थान से ही ख़रीदे, इन सिद्ध यंत्रों को आप एस्ट्रो मंत्रा स्टोर से ऑनलाइन मंगवा सकते है।