
Pujnaarth Mangal Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 3X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050305

Pujnaarth Mangal Yantra should be installed and worshipped to appease Lord Hanuman who is 11th incarnation of Lord Shiva. Lord Hanuman is the bestower of Courage, Wisdom, Cleverness, Fearlessness and Devotion as well as Meditation. Lord Hanuman is also the bestower of Good Health..

Shani Yantra, Shani Graha Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050362

The worship of the Saturn Yantra (Shani Yantra) is for appeasing the Planet Saturn. The Saturn Yantra helps reduce the malefic effects and magnify the beneficial effects of the Planet Saturn and achieving success.

Shukra Yantra, Shukra Graha Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050435

Worshiping Shukra Yantra appease the planet Shukra. It removes the malefic effects of the planet Venus. For marital happiness and success too, this Yantra should be used. It is also useful for getting married and finding the right and suitable match.

Buddh Yantra, Buddh Graha Gold Plated Yantra, 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050091

The worship of Mercury Yantra will enable you to reduce the harshness to a good extent and could bestow the person with creativity and fantasy with softness in heart. Weak Budh in Birth chart leads to many problems.

Chandra Yantra, Chandra Graha Gold Plated, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050100

Performing Puja of Moon Yantra will result the reduction of the negative effects of the Moon in a horoscope. It is not only material gains that this Yantra is related with. The Yantra is also said to bring about happiness and contentment.

Surya Yantra, Surya Graha Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050451

Worshiping Sun Yantra gives the radiations of the Sun Yantra empower you with leadership, brilliance and executive power. Since Sun is the leader of all the celestial bodies, it fills up your vacuum with its triggering energy and positivity.

Ketu Yantra, Shri Ketu Graha Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 2X2 Inch

SKU: PY12050216

The worship of Ketu Yantra removes all negativities and brings success in business and victory over enemies. It deals with various diseases caused by the negativity of this planet, as skin problems, accidents and surgery.

Shukra Yantra, Shukra Devta Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 2X2 Inch

SKU: PY12050438

Worshiping Shukra Yantra appease the planet Shukra. It removes the malefic effects of the planet Venus. For marital happiness and success too, this Yantra should be used. It is also useful for getting married and finding the right and suitable match.