Showing all 8 results

Brihaspati Puja & Yajna For Guru Brihaspati Graha Shanti

SKU: OP03050005

Online Jupiter Puja & Yajna for relief from malefic effects of Jupiter & removing obstacles in Pregnancy conceiving related problems and Marriage Obstacles Through Chanting Jupiter Main Mantra as per your requirement.

Conceiving & Pregnancy Problems Issues Puja & Yajna

SKU: OP03050011

Book Conceiving Problems Puja for Baby Related Problems like, Black Magic Problem, Fertility Problem etc.

Fortunefull Child Puja & Yajna To Get Lucky Baby Child

SKU: OP03050023

Book Success Life Puja for Success Related Problems like, Education Problems, Career Problem etc.

Negative Energy Removing Puja & Yajna For Tantra Badha

SKU: OP03050047

Book Negative Energy Problem Puja for Negative Energy Related Problems like, Health Problems, Poor Sleeping Habits etc.

Pregnancy Problems Puja For Pregnancy And Conceiving

SKU: OP03050049

Book Pregnancy Problems Puja for Pregnancy Related Problems like, Conceiving Problem etc.

Putreshthi Puja & Yajna For Lucky Fortunefull Child

SKU: OP03050050

Online Putreshthi Puja & Yajna, Putreshti Main Mantra Chanting  as per requirement for relief from malefic effects. Performance of this Yajna redeeming of all paternal inherited Dosha removing obstacles in Pregnancy and conceiving related problems etc.

Santan Gopal Puja & Yajna For Bhagyavan Putra Ratan Prapti

SKU: OP03050056

Online Brihaspati Puja & Yajna Chanting Santan Gopal Main Mantra as per requirement for relief from malefic effects. This is very powerful Yajna to have healthy child. Who are deprived of child becomes fortunate to be blessed with child after performing this Yajna.

Shiv Puja & Yajna For Love Marriage Success For Girls

SKU: OP03050060

Online Shiv Puja & Yajna Chanting Shiva Pashupatastrey Mantra as per requirement for the good luck & fortune of the child. People going through the life threatening diseases/health issues even if there is fear of death or having some legal problems etc.

Astrology Products

Astro Mantra Store has been providing Astrology Products (ज्योतिष प्रोडक्ट्स) for many years. Astro Mantra is the top name in India in providing rare products of Astrology, Pooja Sadhana and Vastu.

These Astrology Products are Astrology Books, Numerology Books, Ayurveda Books, Religious Books and Tantra Mantra Books. Moreover, Vastu Books, Zodiac Bracelets, Pooja Shankh, Crystals, Herbs, Vastu Feng Shui Products, are there. Besides, Navaratna, Pooja Gutika, Pooja Kavach, Siddha Yantra, Rudraksha, Parad Murti, Pooja Mala, Vastu Pyramid and décor etc.

The Astrology Products Store

For Instance, all these Astrology Products provided by us are Siddha, Prana Pratisthit, and Chaitanya. However, as soon as you use them, you can see immediate benefits. Above all, you can make online purchases and easily get the delivery at your home from

Rare materials used in Astrology, Pooja Sadhana, which are not available anywhere else in the world. But are available only on All these Astrology Products are like Siddha Yantra, Pooja Gutika, Pooja Sadhana Malas, etc.

ज्योतिष प्रोडक्ट्स

पिछले कई वर्षों से एस्ट्रो मंत्रा, ज्योतिष सामग्री प्रदान करता आ रहा है। ज्योतिष, पूजा साधना और वास्तु के दुर्लभ प्रोडक्ट्स को प्रदान करनें में एस्ट्रो मंत्रा का नाम भारत में सर्वोच्च स्थान पर है।

ये ज्योतिष प्रोडक्ट्स है, एस्ट्रोलॉजी पुस्तकें, अंक ज्योतिष पुस्तकें, आयुर्वेद पुस्तकें, धार्मिक पुस्तकें, तंत्र मंत्र पुस्तकें, वास्तु पुस्तकें, राशी ब्रेसलेट, पूजा शंख, स्फटिक, जडीबुटीयां, वास्तु फेंगसुई प्रोडक्ट्स, सिद्ध नवरत्न, पूजा गुटिका, पूजा कवच, सिद्ध यंत्र, रुद्राक्ष, पारद मूर्ती, पूजा मालाए, वास्तु पिरामिड और साज सज्जा सामग्री इत्यादि।

ये सभी ज्योतिष प्रोडक्ट्स सिद्ध, प्राण प्रतिष्ठित और चैतन्य करके दिए जाते है, जिसका उपयोग करते ही, शीघ्र लाभ देखने को मिलता है, इन्हें आप एस्ट्रोमंत्रा.कॉम से आसानी से घर मंगवा सकते है।

ज्योतिष, पूजा साधना में उपयोग होने वाली दुर्लभ ज्योतिष प्रोडक्ट्स, जो पूरे विश्व में कही ओर उपलब्ध नहीं है, यह मात्र एस्ट्रोमंत्रा.कॉम पर ही उपलब्ध है, ये सभी ये ज्योतिष प्रोडक्ट्स एस्ट्रो मंत्रा प्रदान करता है, जैसे सिद्ध यन्त्र, पूजा गुटिका और पूजा साधना मालायें इत्यादि।