White Laxmi Cowrie, Safed Puja Cowrie, Laxmi Cowrie 1 Piece

SKU: CO06050001

1 Safed Puja Cowri is significs the presence of mother Laxmi it not only gives protections towards the poverty but also useful it is used in removing many defects..

Black Cowrie, Kali Laxmi Cowrie, Kali Puja Cowrie 11 Piece

SKU: CO06050002

11 Kali Puja Cowrie has great significance in worshiping Goddess Mahakali ji and Bhairav ji. It helps to protect against the negative energies and black magic..

Laxmi Cowrie, Laxmi Puja Cowrie, Tantra Cowrie 11 Piece

SKU: CO06050003

11 Siddh Laxmi Cowri these are mostly useful in making garlands which provides the wealth and fetches money for the betterment of the life..

Black Cowrie, Kali Laxmi Cowrie, Kali Puja Cowrie 8 Piece

SKU: CO06050004

8 Kali Puja Cowrie has great significance in worshiping Goddess Mahakali ji and Bhairav ji. It helps to protect against the negative energies and black magic..

White Laxmi Cowrie, Safed Puja Cowrie, Laxmi Cowrie 8 Piece

SKU: CO06050005

8 Safed Puja Cowrie these are mostly useful in making garlands which provides the wealth and fetches money for the betterment of the life..

Laxmi Cowrie, Laxmi Puja Cowrie, Tantra Cowrie 8 Piece

SKU: CO06050006

8 Siddh Laxmi Cowri these are mostly useful in making garlands which provides the wealth and fetches money for the betterment of the life..

Puja Cowrie, Laxmi Cowrie, Tantra Cowrie 8 Piece

SKU: CO06050007

8 Siddh Puja Cowrie these are mostly useful in making garlands which provides the wealth and fetches money for the betterment of the life..

Brown Seashell, Natural Seashell, Original Moti Ship, 1 Piece

SKU: CO06050012

Brown Seashell is useful to remove the negative energy and evil eyes. Moreover, it brings peace in mind, success & wealth..

Cowrie Conch, Kali Laxmi Cowrie, Kali Cowrie, Black Cowrie

SKU: CO06050017

Cowrie Conch (कौड़ी शंख) is traditionally people use as a symbol of fertility. Small cowries in the shape of labia joined into the hems of Indian women’s dresses to promote love and fertility. In Buddhism, the call of the Cowry shell awakens one from ignorance and is a sign of victory over suffering…

Black Cowrie, Kali Laxmi Cowrie, Kali Cowrie Big Size

SKU: CO06050038

Kali Puja Cowrie has great significance in worshiping Goddess Mahakali ji and Bhairav ji. It helps to protect against the negative energies and black magic..

Lakshmi Cowrie, Laxmi Peeli Cowrie, Original Yellow Cowrie

SKU: CO06050039

Lakshmi Cowrie is significs the presence of mother Laxmi it not only gives protections towards the poverty but also useful it is used in removing many defects..

Lakshmi Cowrie, Laxmi Peeli Cowrie, Yellow Cowrie, 8 Piece

SKU: CO06050040

Lakshmi Cowry is significs the presence of mother Laxmi it not only gives protections towards the poverty but also useful it is used in removing many defects..

Cowrie Seashell

According to Tantra Shastra, Goddess Lakshmi resides in cowries. Wherever this Cowrie Seashell is, there is no shortage of money. According to Dhanada Tantra, it is necessary to have cowry in every worship of Goddess Lakshmi. By installing this Cowrie Conch in the worship place of the House, Office or Shop. All types of poverty go away. Cowrie Shankh always highly valued by many African cultures, and have had multiple uses throughout history.

As a matter of fact, they convert it into jewelry and hair ornaments, sewn onto prestigious garments, use in religious rituals and as protective amulets and up until the late 19th century they used it as money. There are many types of cowries available in the market. But many Cowrie Conch are the composition of some spices. That look very beautiful but are not beneficial because they are fake. Moreover, if the real Cowrie Shankh are there, they cannot do their work completely without the proper Pran Pratistha.

Astro Mantra provides various types of naturally occurring Cowrie Seashell online at affordable prices. Like, Lakshmi cowry, white cowry, yellow cowry, black cowry etc. A perfect practitioner of Astro Mantra, by consecrating and making Chaitanya these Cowrie Seashell at a auspicious time, prepares Chaitanya. So that the person can see their benefits as soon as they are used.


तंत्र शास्त्र अनुसार कौड़ीयों में माँ लक्ष्मी का वास होता है| यह कौड़ी जहाँ भी होता है, वहां धन का आभाव नहीं होता। धनदा तंत्र के अनुसार लक्ष्मी की प्रत्येक पूजा में कौड़ी का होना आवश्यक माना गया है। इस कौड़ी को घर के पूजा स्थान, ऑफिस, दूकान में स्थापित करने से समस्त प्रकार की दारिद्र दूर होती है। कई अफ्रीकी संस्कृतियों में कौड़ी शंख को हमेशा अत्यधिक महत्व दिया गया है, और पूरे इतिहास में इसके कई उपयोग हैं

वास्तव में, वे इसे आभूषणों और बालों के आभूषणों में बदल देते हैं, प्रतिष्ठित परिधानों पर सिल देते हैं, धार्मिक अनुष्ठानों में और सुरक्षात्मक ताबीज के रूप में उपयोग करते हैं और 19वीं शताब्दी के अंत तक वे इसे पैसे के रूप में उपयोग करते थे। बाजार में कई तरह की कौड़ीयां आती है, पर बहुत-सी कौड़ीयां मसाले से निर्मित होती है, जो देखने में बहुत ही सुंदर लगती है। परन्तु लाभकारी नहीं होती, क्यूंकि ये नकली होती है।

यदि असली कौड़ीयां मिल भी जाए ती वह बिना प्राण-प्रतिष्ठा के पूर्ण कार्य नहीं करती। एस्ट्रो मन्त्रा कई तरह की प्रक्रति से निर्मित कौड़ीयां ऑनलाइन सुलभ मूल्य में प्रदान करता हैं। जैसे, लक्ष्मी कौड़ी, सफ़ेद कौड़ी, पीली कौड़ी, काली कौड़ी आदि। इन कौड़ीयों को एस्ट्रो मन्त्रा के सिद्ध साधक, सिद्ध मुहूर्त में प्राण-प्रतिष्ठित करके चैतन्य तैयार करते है, जिससे उपयोग करते ही, इनका लाभ को देखने को मिले।