
Surya Yantra, Shri Surya Yantra, Pure Copper, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050450

lord Surya Yantra (सूर्य यंत्र) is the divine yantra or astrological form of human life, the ruler of Lord Surya, the sun that adorns the life of the earth, is the radiance of the heavens and the earth that does this cannot buy. makes the world live in darkness…

Surya Yantra, Surya Graha Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050451

Worshiping Sun Yantra gives the radiations of the Sun Yantra empower you with leadership, brilliance and executive power. Since Sun is the leader of all the celestial bodies, it fills up your vacuum with its triggering energy and positivity.

Tara Yantra, Copper & Wood, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: FY11050046

Tara Yantra Frame (तारा महाविधा यंत्र) one who worships Goddess Tara can get rid of serious problems. His devotees also call him Neel Saraswati. She blessed her fans with arcane knowledge, eloquence, and excellent communication skills. Devi Tara is also probably the oldest goddess people worship even today…

Tara Yantra, Tara Mahavidya Yantra, Copper, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050468

Goddess Tara is probably the oldest goddess who is still worshiped extensively in modern times. The peaceful, compassionate White Tara gently protects and brings long life and peace.

Tripura Bhairavi Yantra, Pure Copper, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050481

This Goddess is responsible for violent destruction and eradication of negativity, she equips her devotees with good health. If in one’s horoscope Lagna is under the influence of malefic planets or Lagna (Ascendant) is weak or else Lagna Lord is weak this Yantra should be worshiped to gain health, success and glory.

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Pyramid Yantra, Copper, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050497

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Pyramid (वास्तु दोष निवारण पिरामिड): The installation of house if wrongly placed, this pyramid is able to remove the malefic effects and all the defects in the placement is removed. Moreover, this will protect the family wherein it is kept…

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Yantra, Gold Plated & Wood, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: FY11050050

Shree Vastu Dosh Yantra (वास्तु शांति यंत्र) is the solution for Vastu Dosh extraction. Vastu-related problems can be solved using Vastu Shanti Yantra Frame. This Yantra removes all these problems. Furthermore, shows great benefits. Most of the people do not know the function of this house and it is the fault of Vaastu…

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050498

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Yantra is a powerful Yantra to combat the harmful effects arising due to defects in Vastu of any building. Vastu Shastra is a science which help us to achieve material prosperity, mental peace, happiness & harmony at home & work place.

Vastu Kritya Yantra, Vastu Kritya Yantra, Copper, 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050500
Original price was: ₹5,100.00.Current price is: ₹4,500.00.

Vastu Kritya Yantra all the adverse situations accompany us as our allies. The path of progress one can find only by the installation of Vastu Kritya Yantra, it is successful in giving shape to all its wishes. If there are obstacles in business growth…

Vastu Shanti Yantra, Vastu Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050502

Worshipping Vastu Shanti Yantra at your home and work place will curb all the impediments on the way of your success and gift you with happiness, growth, peace, wealth and prosperity forever.

Vastu Vyapar Vriddhi Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050504

Goddess Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and good fortune. This Yantra consist i.e. Shree Yantra, Shree Kuber Yantra, Shree Lakshmi bisa Yantra, Shree Kanakdhara Yantra along with numeric Yantra of Riddhi Siddhi Yantra and Vyapar Vriddhi Yantra.

Vishnu Yantra, Vishnu Devta Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050512

To attain the immaculate strength there exist an Yantra known as Sri Maha Vishnu Yantra. Keeping this Yantra energized with Lord’s power when in possession by any individual and followed by daily chant worship, such people derives will power, resistance power and self confidences in life through out.

Vyapar Vriddhi Yantra, Gold Plated, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: PY12050517

This Shri Vyapar Vriddhi Yantra consist i.e. Shree Yantra, Shree Kuber Yantra, Shree Lakshmi bisa Yantra, Shree Kanakdhara Yantra etc.