
Ganesh Yantra, Ganesh Puja Yantra, Copper, Size 6X6 Inch

SKU: PY12050146

The Ganesh Yantra is the perceived to be the most auspicious Yantra in the whole arena of Yantras for being the soul stature of the supreme deity that is of Lord Ganesh and so on Ganesh Hindu Yantra is of super most places.

Kaalsarp Yantra, Kalsarp Dosh Nivaran Yantra, 6X6 Inch

SKU: PY12050199

The Kaalsarp Yantra is the Yantra for Kaalsarp Yoga to vanish its bad effects from one’s life path as the presence of Kaalsarp Yoga in the horoscope chart could bring many hurdles in each direction as it won’t let the hard work and sincerity give proper results and will also reduce the good effects of well placed planets.