Surya Yantra, Copper & Wood, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: FY11050045

Surya Yantra Frame (सूर्य यंत्र) empowers you with leadership, wisdom, and success. Surya Grah Puja Frame is a tool to pray to the Sun. In return, it will give you the energy to fight all the obstacles that stand in your way of progress. The revitalization of the Surya Yantra Frame gives strength…

Tara Yantra, Copper & Wood, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: FY11050046

Tara Yantra Frame (तारा महाविधा यंत्र) one who worships Goddess Tara can get rid of serious problems. His devotees also call him Neel Saraswati. She blessed her fans with arcane knowledge, eloquence, and excellent communication skills. Devi Tara is also probably the oldest goddess people worship even today…

Shodashi Yantra, Copper & Wood, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: FY11050037

Shodashi Yantra Frame (षोडशी महाविद्या यंत्र) are so powerful that they can change a person’s life within days. People suffering from bad and weak Mercury can get rid of Mahadasha instantly by chanting Shodashi Yantra. Blockages and obstacles caused by the malefic planet Mercury…

Matangi Yantra, Copper & Wood, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: FY11050025

Matangi Yantra Frame (मातंगी महाविद्या यंत्र) helps to get hidden power to control enemies, attract people to be people, and know skills to get the best knowledge. It is a denial of the fact that “God” exists in the yantra. By performing ‘puja’ or worshiping janitors, people will appease them…

Mahakali Yantra, Copper & Wood, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: FY11050020

The Maha Kali Yantra is the most powerful Yantra in the arena of Yantras for being the Yantra of Goddess Maha Kali which is perceived to remove all the potent obstacles from the path of one as in further articulation no hurdle could stay in the path after the adoption of Yantra of deity Maha Kali.

Kamala Yantra, Copper & Wood, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: FY11050016

Kamala Yantra Frame (कमला महाविधा यंत्र) is powerful enough to provide sustenance, support, and wealth to devotees with worldly wealth, love, and happiness. Additionally, it helps you see the divine beauty in everything and awakens you to your inner path.

Dhumavati Yantra, Copper & Wood, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: FY11050012

Dhumavati Yantra Frame (धूमावती महाविधा यंत्र): Worship this Frame to overcome depression, anxiety, poverty, and disease and remove the evil of Ketu from the sign. Dhumavati is the seventh form of Adi Shakti. This Dhumavati Yantra Frame represents death, hunger, poverty, disease…

Chhinnamasta Yantra, Copper & Wood, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: FY11050011

Chhinnamasta Yantra Frame (छिन्नमस्ता यंत्र) is for those who worship the power of Goddess Chhinnamasta, Shakti, or Indra. Help break the limitations of the mind, achieve and improve thinking, get rid of worries, or find solutions…

Bhuvaneshwari Yantra, Copper & Wood, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: FY11050007

Bhuvaneshwari Yantra Frame (भुवनेश्वरी महाविधा यंत्र): Worshipers of this Bhuvaneshwari Yantra Frame will get the blessings of God. It’s because of the charming personality that turns everyone into himself and turns them into rivals. For instance, one gets rid of difficulties, diseases, enemies, and sufferings in life…

Baglamukhi Yantra With Face, Copper & Wood, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: FY11050005

Shri Baglamukhi Yantra Frame (बगलामुखी यंत्र) is very powerful and useful for victory over enemies, and success in lawsuits and disputes, and competitions. Maa Baglamukhi is the owner of the pillar of power. The goddess banishes fear from her devotees and destroys enemies and evil forces…

Shree Yantra Paper Weight, Wood, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: CY11050026

Shree Yantra Paper Weight (श्री यन्त्र पेपर वेट) is one of the most important, and most powerful yantras. it gives the best results on hold, Moreover, it turns out to be good for almost everyone. It is the main source of obtaining all earthly desires…

Chandra Frame, Gold Plated & Wood, Size 4X4 Inch

SKU: FY11050009

Chandra Graha Yantra Frame (चंद्र ग्रह यंत्र) astrologers use to reduce the Lunar negative effects and the bad influence of the Moon in the constellation. The Chandra Grah Yantra Frame helps to achieve good mental health and peace of mind. This Chandra Grah Yantra frame inspires and strengthens the seeker from within.