Ashta Ganesh Plate Pyramid, Ashta Ganesha Fortune Plate

SKU: PM25050002

Ashta Ganesh Plate Pyramid is a pre-programmed pyramid with added power of Ganesha, It is Very helpful in removing all fortune blocks & their ill-effects and also generate positive energy around your Place.

Energy 9X9 Pyramid, Jiten Vastu Energy 9X9 Pyramid Plate

SKU: PM25050024

Energy 9×9 Pyramid attracts positive energy and removes negative energy. It brings spiritual environment, where it is placed. It also works as vastu correction tool..

Ganesh Disc Pyramid, Ashta Ganesh Disc Energy Yantra

SKU: PM25050037

Ganesh Disc Pyramid neutralize negative energy from home & offices and keep the obstacles out of one’s life. And brings success, prosperity and good luck.

Gold Aum Pyramid, Jiten Gold Aum Vastu Pyramid Plate

SKU: PM25050038

Gold Aum Pyramid brings wealth, prosperity, luck and well-being. The Gold AUM offers the supremacy of 31 gold 9×9 Pyramids that bring rapid success..

Gold Cross Pyramid, Jiten Gold Cross Pyramid

SKU: PM25050039

Gold Cross Pyramid is very powerful instrument to attract luck, better protection and divine energy. It can also be placed in your alter table for prayers

Gold Trishul Pyramid, Jiten Gold Trishul Pyramid

SKU: PM25050041

Gold Trishul Pyramid symbolizes bigger consciousness of strength and energy. it is used to draw off negative energies and bring luck, protection and peace.

Max 500 Vastu Pyramid, Jiten Max 500 Pyramid

SKU: PM25050057

Max 500 Vastu Pyramid is a highly effective tool to neutralize evil impacts and yield positive force, it believed to generate positive energy where it placed..

Max-Basic Pyramid, Jiten Max Basic Pyramid Yantra

SKU: PM25050059

Max-Basic Pyramid is precisely developed to maximize your pyra vastu results for good health & prosperity. Ideal for vastu correction in flat, rooms and house..

Medicine 9×9 Pyramid, Jiten Medicine 9X9 Pyramid Yantra

SKU: PM25050060

Medicine 9×9 Pyramid provide most effective high-energy environments for meditation. Medicine Pyramids helps to reduce the level of stress and tension in the physical body..

Mini Max Pyramid, Jiten Mini Max Vastu Pyramid

SKU: PM25050063

Mini Max Pyramid is called as energy boosting tool it nullifies the negativity & brings positive energy where it placed. It is enriched with nine pyramids for giving better results..

Multier Automatic Pyramid, Jiten White Multier Automatic Pyramid

SKU: PM25050067

Multier Automatic Pyramid is a very powerful tool to keeps unfavorable energy out from the place where placed and creates a safeguard against the negative energy..

Navagraha Pyramid, 9 Planet Pyramid, Navagraha Tower Pyramid

SKU: PM25050078

Navagraha Pyramid help you to get rid of the malefic effects of navagraha. The navagrah pyramid bring happiness, prosperity remove the unwanted negative energies..

NuMax Pyramid, Jiten Numax Pyramid, Numax Vastu Pyramid

SKU: PM25050080

NuMax Pyramid Persons living inside of a pyramid home, working within a pyramid building, or those who meditate within or sleep under a pyramid framework..

ProMax 3G-Gold Pyramid, Jiten Promax 3G Pyramid

SKU: PM25050085

ProMax 3G-Gold Pyramid It energizes positive cosmic energy in the surrounding. It also helps in augmenting energy flow, particularly in big projects that lack proper energy..

ProMax-Copper Pyramid, Jiten ProMax Copper Pyramid

SKU: PM25050087

ProMax-Copper Pyramid is the ultimate vastu correction tool for property activation, building activation, or any serious projects that require energy activation..

ProMax-Special Pyramid, Jiten Promax Special Original Pyramid

SKU: PM25050088

ProMax-Special Pyramid is highly beneficial for land activation, vastu correction. It helps optimizing the flow of positive energy, and minimizing the impact of negative energies..

Rainbow Crystal Flame Pyramid, Rainbow Crystal Vastu Pyramid

SKU: PM25050177

Rainbow Crystal Flame Pyramid is highly powerful tool for healing, meditation, It also helps to manage the lives of people and develop a positive relationship among family members..

Shree Ganesh Pyramid, Jiten Energy 9×9 Shri Ganesh Pyramid

SKU: PM25050156

Shree Ganesh Pyramid is a unique tool with the power of lord Ganesha. It enhances energy improves the flow of energy & brings positivity..

Vastu Pyramid

Astro Mantra has been providing all types of Jiten Vastu Pyramids online at affordable prices. These are the Alpha Pyramid, Ashta Ganesh Pyramid, Bathroom Pyramid, Belly Belt Pyramid, Bemor International Pyramid, and Bike Pyramid. Besides, Seven Health Pyramid, Booster Pyramid, Business Card Pyramid, Business Disk Pyramid, Car Pyramid, Pyron Pyramid, and Dia Belt Pyramid.

Moreover, the Education Pyramid, Energy Pyramid, Flat Max Pyramid, Fortune Pyramid, Ganesha Disk Pyramid, and Harmony Pyramid are on their list. Beyond that, the Head Belt Pyramid, Maatron Pyramid, Medicine Pyramid, Mobile Pyramid, Nano Pyramid, Power Roll Pyramid, and Pyra Vastu  Compass Pyramid etc. are there. You can buy Jiten Vastu Pyramids and get the delivery to your doorstep through courier soon.

When Vastu defect occurs, a negative atmosphere prevails in the house. Moreover, there is discord in the family and mutual discord occurs among all the members. If there is an old Vastu defect, then one has to face prolonged illness in the house. You can easily install these Vastu Pyramids in your home, or office for all types of Vastu defects. Besides, Feng Shui, etc. However, all these Vastu Pyramids are authentic and energetic, you do not need any Vastu Shastri for this.

वास्तु पिरामिड

एस्ट्रो मंत्रा सभी प्रकार के वास्तु पिरामिड जैसे, आल्फा पिरामिड, अष्ट गणेश पिरामिड, बाथरूम पिरामिड, बेली बेल्ट पिरामिड, बेमोर अन्तराष्ट्रीय पिरामिड, बाइक पिरामिड, 7 हेल्थ पिरामिड, बूस्टर पिरामिड, बिजनेस कार्ड पिरामिड, बिजनेस डिस्क पिरामिड, कार पिरामिड, पयरों पिरामिड, दीया बेल्ट पिरामिड, एजुकेशन पिरामिड, एनर्जी पिरामिड, फ्लैट मैक्स पिरामिड, फार्च्यून पिरामिड, गणेश डिस्क पिरामिड, हार्मोनी पिरामिड, हेड बेल्ट पिरामिड, माँट्रन पिरामिड, मेडिसिन पिरामिड, मोबाइल पिरामिड, नेनो पिरामिड, पॉवर रोल पिरामिड और वास्तु कम्पास पिरामिड आदि सुलभ मूल्य में ऑनलाइन प्रदान करता आ रहा है, आप वास्तु पिरामिड खरीद कर शीघ्र कुरियर के माध्यम से अपने घर मंगवा सकते है।

वास्तु दोष उत्पन्न होने पर घर में नकारात्मक वातावरण बना रहता है,परिवार में कलह रहती है और सभी सदस्यों में आपसी मन मुटाव होने लगता है, यदि कोई पुराना वास्तु दोष हो, तो घर में लम्बी बीमारी का सामना करना पड़ता है। सभी प्रकार के वास्तुदोष, फेंगशुई उपयोग के लिए, आप अपने घर, आफिस में ये वास्तु पिरामिड आसानी से स्थापित कर सकते है, यह सभी वास्तु पिरामिड प्रामाणिक और ऊर्जावान है, इसके लिए आपको किसी भी वास्तु शास्त्री की आवश्यकता नहीं है।