Ashtang Hriday Book

SKU: KB2804B014

Ashtang Hriday Book (अष्टांग ह्रदय पुस्तक) is an important book of ayurveda, in which information about ayurveda shastra. – By Pt. Shiv Sharma, Khemraj Prakashan.

Bhav Prakash Book

SKU: KB2804B022

Bhav Prakash Book (भाव प्रकाश पुस्तक): This is an important book. In which information about ayurveda granth. It is not easily available…

Charak Samhita Book (Vol I & II)

SKU: KB2804B035

Charak Samhita Book (चरक संहिता पुस्तक): Lord Charak is the incarnation of Lord Shesh Narayan. He composed Mahabhashya Charak Samhita on Ashtadhyayi to remove spiritual impurities. There is no other Ayurveda book similar to this in Ayurveda medicine…

Parad Sanhita Book

SKU: KB2804B100

Parad Sanhita Book (पारद संहिता): This is an important book. In which information about Sawrna Shastra, Parad Shastra, Parad Sanskaar Methods etc…

Rasendra Saar Sangrah Book

SKU: KB2804B110

Rasendra Saar Sangrah Book (रसेन्द्र सार संग्रह पुस्तक): This is an important book. In which information about ayurveda Granth. This Book is not easily available…

Rasratnakar Book

SKU: KB2804B112

Rasratnakar Book (रसरत्नाकर पुस्तक): This Book is an important book, in which information about ayurveda Granth. This Book is not easily available..

Sahasrayogam Book

SKU: CP2704B072

Sahasrayogam Book (सहस्रयोगम् पुस्तक): This Book is an important book, in which information about Keraliya ayurvedic Granth. This Book is not easily available..

Shaligram Nighantubhushanam Book

SKU: KB2804B124

Shaligram Nighantubhushanam Book (शालिग्राम निघंटुभूषणम्) is an important book, in which information about ayueveda shastra is hidden. – By Khemraj Prakashan.

Swarna Tantram Book

SKU: CP2704B092

Swarna Tantram Book (स्वर्ण तंत्रम् पुस्तक): This Book is an important book, in which information about swarn tantra. This Book is not easily available..

Dhanvantari Tantra Shiksha Book

SKU: KB2804B196

Dhanvantari Tantra Shiksha Book (धन्वंतरि तंत्र शिक्षा पुस्तक): This Book is an important book, in which information about treatments through veda and other activities. This Book is not easily available…

Kumar Tantra Book

SKU: KB2804B041

Kumar Tantra Book (कुमार तंत्र पुस्तक): This is an important book. In which information about treatments through ayurvedic. It is not easily available…

Yog Tarangini Book

SKU: KB2804B162

Yog Tarangini Book (योग तरंगिणी) is an important book of Ayurveda Knowledge. – By Shree Dutt Ram Mathur, Khemraj Shree Krishan Das Books

Ayurveda Books

In the field of Ayurveda, there are reputed publishing houses of Indian Ayurveda Books like, Amit Prakashan, and Nirogi Duniya Prakashan. Besides, Dehati Prakashan, S Series, Randhir Prakashan, Chaukhamba Prakashan, Popular Prakashan etc.

The authors of these selected Ayurveda books are world-famous and experienced Ayurvedacharyas like Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali, Manoj Kumar Lamba, ancient sages, etc. Hence, these books are completely authentic in themselves. For instance, the methods and experiments given in them have stood the test of time.

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By reading these Indian Ayurveda books and following the authentic treatments given in them, any common person can become a complete expert in Ayurveda. However, through that supernatural knowledge, he can quickly cure even terminal diseases sometimes.

These Ayurveda books will help you completely in identifying even the serious diseases. By doing the simple experiments given in these books, you will be able to cure even the biggest diseases from your home, then you will not have to wander from door to door.

आयुर्वेद पुस्तकें

आयुर्वेद के क्षेत्र में आयुर्वेद पुस्तकों के प्रतिष्ठित प्रकाशन जैसे, अमित प्रकाशन, निरोगी दुनिया प्रकाशन, देहाती प्रकाशन, एस सीरिज, रणधीर प्रकाशन, चौखम्बा प्रकाशन, पपुलार प्रकाशन इत्यादि की महत्त्वपूर्ण पुस्तकें एस्ट्रो मंत्रा आपको बहुत ही कम दामों में आपको उपलब्ध करा रहा है।

यह महत्वपूर्ण आयुर्वेद पुस्तकें विश्व प्रसिद्ध और अनुभवी आयुर्वेद आचार्य द्ववारा लिखी है, जैसे डाँ. नारायण दत्त श्रीमाली, मनोज कुमार लाम्बा, प्राचीन ऋषि इत्यादि। इसलिए यह सभी पुस्तकें अपने आप में पूर्ण प्रमाणिक ज्ञान से भारी हुई है, इनमे दी गयी विधियाँ और प्रयोग 16 आने खरे उतरे है।

इन पुस्तकों को आप शीघ्र कोरिअर से अपने घर मंगवाकर पढ़ सकते है, इनमे दिये गये प्रयोग और विधियों से कोई भी सामान्य व्यक्ति आयुर्वेद का सम्पूर्ण ज्ञाता बन सकता है और वह उस अलौकिक ज्ञान के माध्यम से बड़ी से बड़ी बीमारियों को शीघ्र ठीक कर सकता है।

यह सभी आयुर्वेद पुस्तकें बड़े से बड़े रोग को पहचानने में आपकी पूर्ण सहायता करेगी, इन पुस्तको में दिए गये सरल प्रयोग करके आप अपने घर से ही बड़े से बड़े रोग का इलाज कर पायंगे, फिर आपको किसी भी रोग के निरामय के लिए दर-दर भटकने की आवश्यकता नहीं पड़ेगा।