
Ank Dipika Book

SKU: OP2904H001

Ank Dipika Book (अंक दीपिका पुस्तक): Indian astrology is the oldest and significant science of the world. Numerology is one of the parts of astrology. This book contains the radix number and its effects on human being by which one can take preventive measurement against malefic effects…

Ank Jyotish Book

SKU: OP2904H002

Ank Jyotish Book Jyotish (अंक ज्योतिष पुस्तक) Numerology is a new aspect in astrology. By this book one can make a horoscope just by knowing the date of birth only. This book has to be read very attentively.

Bhartiya Jyotish Book

SKU: OP2904H003

Indian astrology is the oldest and significant science of the world. This science consists of past, present and future. It can very well foresee the future happenings and activities. This book is a complete on its own regarding this science.

Dashaphal Darpan Book

SKU: OP2904H004

Resultant is the effect of astrology and this result is the effect of Dasha Gyan. The correct knowledge of astrology and its result is described in this book. This result is based on Vinshottari system which tells the right way to know the positions of planets and the providential and malefic planetary effects on human being.

Hastakshar Vigyan Book

SKU: OP2904H005

Hastakshar Vigyan Book (हस्ताक्षर विज्ञान पुस्तक): It is said that the finger prints are unique. No two people have similar finger prints. Similarly signature of a man is also unique. No two people can have similar signature…

Janampatri Rachana Book

SKU: OP2904H006

The base of astrology is making of horoscope. Till the horoscope is made correctly, it cannot give a right and correct result. This book gives the information about the making of right horoscope.

Jyotish Yog Chandrika Book

SKU: OP2904H007

Through horoscope correct and perfect predictions could be done. All the 12 gestures of horoscope describe every section of the life. This book contains such matters for a better knowledge.

Jyotish Yog Dipika Book

SKU: OP2904H008

Jyotish Yog Dipika Book (ज्योतिष योग दीपिका पुस्तक): The main base of astrology is planets, its movements and their mutual relations. Two or more planetary movements create a Yog which may be providential or malefic…

Kundali Darpan Book

SKU: OP2904H009

Kundali Darpan Book (कुण्डली दर्पण पुस्तक): There are 12 gestures of horoscope. These 12 gestures consist of all the spheres of life and studying these gestures one can analyse the complete life of human being. Each and every gesture is independent but concerned with other gestures…

Phalit Jyotish Book

SKU: OP2904H010

Phalit Jyotish Book (फलित ज्योतिष पुस्तक) is a complete on its own regarding the results of Astrology. This book is to be read with great attention and thoughts. It is a complete medium by which one can study the horoscope perfectly and can follow the ways for a better future…

Varshphal Darpan Book

SKU: OP2904H011

Varshphal Darpan Book (वर्षफल दर्पण पुस्तक) is unique in yearly predictions. With the help of this book one can calculate the daily, monthly and yearly minute and correct predictions…

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Book

SKU: OP2904H047

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Book (श्रीमद्भगवद गीता पुस्तक): This is an important book, in which information about bhagavad geeta is a genuine and true scripture of mankind. This Book is not easily available…

Yog Dwara Rogo Ki Chikitsa Book

SKU: OP2904H048

Yog Dwara Rogo Ki Chikitsa Book (योग दवारा रोगो की चिकित्सा पुस्तक): This is an important book, in which information about in-depth study and experience of yoga therapy in India and abroad. This Book is not easily available…

Books (पुस्तकें)

In the field of Astrology Books, Numerology Books Astro Mantra is making you available the books written by reputed authors. Those are under the following publications. The Publishers are all India’s most reputed publications, that to at the lowest prices.

These publishers are Khemraj Prakashan, Orient Prakashan, Chaukhamba Prakashan, Dehati Pustak Bhandar Publication, and Sagar Publication. Besides, Randhir Publication, Geeta Press, Amit Prakashan, and Gorakh Nath Mandir. Furthermore, Megh Prakashan, Nirogi Duniya, Prachya Prakashan, Popular Prakashan, Rupesh Thakur Prakashan, Saraswati Prakashan, S-Series Books, Pustak Mahal etc.

All these Astrology Books include Ancient, Astrology, Ayurveda, Biography, History and Cultural and Kama Shastra. Besides, Karm Kand, Medical, Motivational, Novel, Numerology. Moreover, Religious, Tantra Mantra, Vastu & Veda Books etc. are also there.

By reading these authentic and valuable books, any common man can become an Astrologer, Ayurveda Expert and Vastu Expert. Besides, Numerologist, Tantra Expert, Occult Expert, and Alchemist etc.

By ordering these Astro Numerology Books through quick courier, you can take full advantages of these books. These books are full of proven and have supernatural knowledge.

प्रमाणिक पुस्तकें

ज्योतिष तंत्र के क्षेत्र में एस्ट्रो मंत्रा भारत के सर्वोच्च प्रतिष्ठित प्रकाशन और लेखकों द्वारा लिखी हुई पुस्तकें आपके लिए बहुत ही कम  मूल्य में  उपलब्ध करा रहा है, ये प्रकाशकें निम्नलिखित है, जैसे खेमराज प्रकाशन, ओरिएंट प्रकाशन, चौखम्बा प्रकाशन, देहाती पुस्तक भंडार, सागर पब्लिकेशन, रणधीर पब्लिकेशन, गीता प्रेस, अमित प्रकाशन, गोरख नाथ मंदिर, मेघ प्रकाशन, निरोगी दुनिया, प्राच्य प्रकाशन, पोपुलर प्रकाशन, रुपेश ठाकुर प्रकाशन, सरस्वती प्रकाशन, एस सिरिएस बुक्स, पुस्तक महल इत्यादि है।

इन सब पुस्तकों में प्राचीन पुस्तकें, ज्योतिष पुस्तकें, आयुर्वेद पुस्तकें, जीवनी पुस्तकें, इतिहास और सांस्कृतिक पुस्तकें, काम शास्त्र पुस्तकें, कर्मकांड पुस्तकें, चिकित्सा पुस्तकें, प्रेरणा देने वाली पुस्तकें, उपन्यास, अंक ज्योतिष  पुस्तकें, धार्मिक पुस्तकें, तंत्र मंत्र के पुस्तकें, वास्तु पुस्तकें, वेद पुस्तकें इत्यादि।

इन प्रमाणिक एवं बहुमूल्य पुस्तकों को पढ़कर कोई भी साधारण व्यक्ति ज्योतिषाचार्य, आयुर्वेदाचार्य, वास्तु आचार्य, अंक ज्योतिषी, तंत्र शास्त्री और रसायन शास्त्री इत्यादि बन सकता है। ये सभी पुस्तकें त्वरित कुरिअर से मंगवा करके आप इन पुस्तकों का पूरा लाभ उठा सकते है, ये पुस्तकें प्रमाणित और अलौकिक ज्ञान से भरी हुई है।