Vastu Pyramid Book
Vastu Pyramid Book, Learn to listen? most of the answers you are looking for are hidden in listening. They can be anything from Thoughts, Stories, Images, Movies and Experiences to calmness and inner peace. But many of us are unaware of ourselves because we must learn to listen to ourselves again. We must believe in our existence. This book shows us how to create wealth and well-being in our lives by applying our knowledge and abilities from a slightly different perspective. This book shares the experiences and wisdom that Dhara and I have gained in all these years.
It was amazing to see quotes from my lectures in this book that I gave some time, somewhere, here, or abroad. Surprisingly some were from my lectures from 15 years ago. I have seen Dhara’s keen interest in learning more and more about this revolutionary technique and sharing it with others all these years. Now with this book, she explains some very fundamental and practical but simple and easy-to-use steps to understand this technique. It has a very systematic style of presentation with many illustrations. Here, I would like to recommend my special approach of reading this book.
Which I intuitively feel will help you optimize your personal knowledge. Just relax! Lose yourself in observing what is happening inside you. Life is closer to your own tune than your notes. Because notes belong to the mind, but life beats in the tune of your heartbeats. So don’t just read the words as the message may be in the form of written words. But its real meaning is hidden in what you understand them. While reading, experience this tune of your heart and what your mind has to say about it.
Vastu Pyramid Book Publication
This is an important book of Jiten whose author is Dr. Dhara Bhatt. Jiten pyramid vastu basic book provides proven ways to enhance health, wealth and well-ness. Includes techniques to correct vastu defects.
Where to buy Vastu Pyramid Book?
All the information in this Vastu Pyramid Book is accurate and authentic. Anyone who wants to take advantage of this book. So, you can order it online soon from our Astro Mantra online shop.
Vastu Pyramid Book Details:
Book Publisher: Jiten
Book Author: Dr. Dhara Bhatt
Size: 24 x 16 x 2 cm
Weight: 1.600 gm Approx.
Language: English
Shipping: Within 4-5 Days in India
Dr. Niyam –
100% best book for vastu.